Workshop Schedule

The program’s core curriculum consists of 16 units, each of which is designed for implementation in a 50-minute science period.  A full suite of PowerPoint presentations is available for teachers to cover a wide diversity of interrelated life science topics. These presentations, which incorporate scientific animations, embedded video files, and other multimedia, form a central part of the curriculum and are designed to help teachers integrate scientific concepts, processes, and principles from different life science disciplines. Instructional materials are also available for teachers to confidently guide their students through the hands-on laboratory protocols comprising the DNA barcoding workflow. State and national standards encompassed by the curriculum are available upon request. 

During each training workshop, CMB scientists model the delivery of course content and provide intensive laboratory instruction to teacher participants in a condensed, 6-day format that follows the same chronological sequence (and that makes use of the same instructional materials) for classroom implementation by teachers (click here for the daily schedule of each training workshop). At the conclusion of this training segment, teachers are eligible to receive a complete suite of instructional materials, scientific equipment, and supplies needed to guide their students through the full 16-unit curriculum sequence in their own science classrooms and laboratories.

All teacher participants are required to attend an annual learning community meeting as a condition of their enrollment. These meetings are designed for teachers to share their experiences, and discuss the specific challenges that they encountered and how they were overcome. The learning community meeting will be scheduled after all teachers have implemented the program in their classrooms/labs.

Workshop Dates
The BLM Professional Development program is maximally enrolled. In the meantime, please feel free to contact our staff for additional information and program updates.